The Pineapple Conure, a stunning variation of the Green Cheek Conure, is the result of a mutation between the Cinnamon and Yellow-sided Conures. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything about Pineapple Conures—from their unique physical traits and personality to their diet and care requirements, ensuring you can provide the best possible environment for these vibrant and social...
After dogs and cats, parrots are the most common pets around the world. And they surely deserve all this love and affection, for they are mesmerizing, entertaining, playful, and loyal companions. But many avian lovers still feel skeptical to have parrots as their companions due to their infamous screams. Few of the parrot species’ occasional contact calls are...
The first species to be encountered by the humans, the Eastern Rosellas are loved by parrot lovers for their mesmerizing colors. And this is the same reason they made their name in the pet world. That said, they haven’t been as known as much as some other famed pet parrot species like Quakers, African Greys, and Budgies. Let’s...
The term ‘New Zealand Parakeet’ hardly seems familiar. But if one says ‘Kakariki’, the parrot lovers can recall a little cute fluff ball. And this endearing quality of Kakariki has earned him loads of love from one and all. So who is this parakeet, where did he belong to, and is he a great companion? And if adopted,...
Lovebirds are a small species of parrot that are known for their affectionate nature. They are popular pets because of their size and personality, but they can also be expensive. Lovebirds typically cost between $50 and $200, depending on the specific breed, where you purchase them, and whether or not they come with a cage. But some rare...
Lorikeets are medium-sized, exceptionally colorful, and vocal species of parrots. They are found in Australia, southeast Asia, Polynesia, Indonesia, and New Guinea. They are known for their colorful plumage and their vocal ability. Most species are from the lowland rainforest and cloud forest. They travel far...
Like comics are capable of making you laugh all day, a Caique can make you laugh even more. It is no surprise that the Caique is called the clown of birds. The Caique makes a great pet and has thus increased in popularity not only for its attractive look but also for its ability to make people laugh....
Green cheeks can be kept peacefully in several settings, including apartments, and houses, as family pets, and as pets for both inexperienced and experienced bird owners. When shopping for a parrot, or any pet, you should prepare a list of the personality traits you want in...
Le loriquet à front roux, également connu sous le nom de loriquet à taches rouges ou à croupion rouge, est un perroquet aux couleurs vives originaire de l'île de Nouvelle-Guinée. Malgré leur plumage éclatant et leur personnalité enjouée, ils ne sont généralement pas gardés comme animaux de compagnie. Ci-dessous, examinons tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le Loriquet à...
Vous cherchez quelque chose pour divertir votre perroquet ? La recherche de nourriture est la solution parfaite ! Nos amis à plumes passent naturellement une grande partie de leur journée à chercher de la nourriture, alors pourquoi devrions-nous placer leur repas dans un bol et en finir avec ? Mettez le cerveau intelligent de votre perroquet au défi en...

